Italian-Argentineans Are Mostly Southern

September 19, 2010

The study analyzes Italian emigration to Argentina from Sicily and Calabria between 1880-1930, compared with out-migration flows from Piedmont. The concepts of cultural patrimony and of migratory strategy are used to measure the different potentials and job opportunities in the Argentinean labor market as well as in the Italian context for those returning home. Considering the high proportion of returnees, a positive or negative correlation between region of origin and of destination can be proposed. Southern Italians indicate a more permanent settlement. The authors conclude that the Argentinean society in its Italian component is the result of Southern rather than Northern influences.

Cacopardo and Moreno. "Migration from Southern Italy to Argentina: Calabrians and Sicilians (1880-1930)". Studi Emigr, 1990.

Here are some photos of the Calabrian community in Argentina (click to enlarge):

Source: Círculo Calabrés de La Plata


King_Cookie said...

this site estimates the descendants of immigrants from Piedmont alone to be about 3 millions. it's the same number of Argentineans of Basque descent.

I piemontesi e loro discendenti residenti in America Latina risultano essere ad oggi circa 4.150.000. È l’Argentina a vantare il maggior numero di piemontesi per nascita o discendenza ivi residenti. Sono in tutto tre milioni e abitano principalmente nelle province di Còrdoba, Mendoza, Rosario, Buenos Aires e Santa Fe.

Desecendants of Calabrian people outside of Italy are estimated to be about 15-20 millions. only a 20%of them live in South America.

non è azzardato affermare che, la quantità di calabresi e di oriundi discendenti da calabresi emigrati nelle passate generazioni, è notevolmente maggiore del numero degli abitanti attualmente residenti nella regione.
Questo numero è stimabile tra quindici e venti milioni di persone che, direttamente o indirettamante, vantano legami con questa terra.
Circa il 45% degli emigrati calabresi si trova in Europa, in paesi membri della Comunità Europea, il 40% circa nelle Americhe ( metà negli Stati Uniti e Canada e l’altra metà in Argentina, Brasile ), la restante parte divisa tra Australia e piccole presenze in altre aree geografiche non comprese nella precedente divisione.

Anonymous said...

You cherry-picked those photos, indeed it is ONE old set of photos from a Calabrese society. Buenos Aires is full of northern types, not southern. I've lived in both countries, seen most of both, and paid close attention to the races. Argentines are not predominantly southern. One encounters names more common in the north, as well as Spanish from Biscay, the Canaries and elsewhere, as previously noted. The great majority of southerners went to the US (I'm descended from them) and Australia. Today they are going to Switzerland.

Italianthro said...

The evidence is in the cited study. The photos are just there as examples. I thought that was clear enough. As for your completely subjective observations, you can keep those to yourself.

Andrés said...

Hello sir,

As an Argentinian myself I can tell you that Calabrians are not the main group of Italians. Most South Italians came from Naples. Anyway, the origns are even: 1 million northerns before the Great War, and 1 milion southerns after the war. Two milion in total.

benvad said...

I met a lot of Northerners while I was Argentina. I've never met a Northerner in North America at all.

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